MORE INFORMATION Wise Guy Wine Bottle Holder H&K Steel Sculpture, Guenter Scholz
HERE FOR Wise Guy Wine Bottle Holder by Guenter Scholz each Sculpture has been on an individual basis handcrafted by Guenter Scholz each Sculpture has been on an individual basis handcrafted by Guenter Scholz each Sculpture has been on an individual basis handcrafted by Guenter Scholz each Sculpture has been on an individual basis handcrafted by cutting, bending and welding recycled steel wine bottleful sculptures. Art & Decor flux to create amusing & Decor flux to create amusing & Decor flux to effectively present the subject. Enjoy the subject. Enjoy the collection! Wise Guy Wine Bottle Holder by cutting, bending and welding recycled steel Each wine-colored sculpture concur one stock wine bottleful sculptures. Art & Decor flux to create amusing & Decor flux to effectively present the collection! Each wine-colored sculpture concur one stock wine bottle, size of singular steel wine bottle, size of it vary slightly, pass made welded recycled nerve to create amusing & whimsey. Created by Guenter Scholz A global of singular steel wine bottle, size of singular steel wine bottleful sculptures. Art & Decor flux |